Slobodan Perović
Cambridge University press link
See also my 2021. book : From Data to Quanta: Niels Bohr's Vision of Physics, University of Chicago Press.
(see reviews in Publications)
Full Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (since 2020).
Adjunct Professor, Program in Astrobiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade (2022-)
Adjunct Professor, Ph.D. Program, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (2021-)
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade (2019-2020)
Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (2015-2020)
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (2010-2015)
Guest Lecturer, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (2014)
Guest Lecturer, Center for Advanced Studies (ERC funded), University of Rijeka (Croatia) (2014/15/16)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (2009-2010)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Carleton University, Ottawa
(2006 – 2009)
Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department, St. Mary’s University, Halifax (2005-6)
Ph.D., York University, Toronto (2005)
M.A., University of Manitoba (1999)
B.A., University of Belgrade (1997)
Principal investigator, Sciences of the Origin (John Templeton Foundation/Oxford University) (2020-22)
Cooperation partner, "Network epistemology in practice", ERC Consolidator Grant, Adrian Wuetrich, Technical University Berlin (2022-2027)
President, POND (Philosophy of Science around the Mediterranean), (2021-present)
Convener, Philosophy of Scientific Experimentation Conference Series (links: PSX1 PSX2 PSX3 PSX4 PSX5 PSX6)
Editorial Board Member, The Balkan Journal of Philosophy (University of Sophia)
Director, Institute of philosophy, University of Belgrade (2018-2021)
Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Belgrade (2015-2018)
Editor, Belgrade Philosophical Annual (Published by the Institute of Philosophy, University of Belgrade) (2014-2021)
Board Member, Center for Advanced Studies (ERC), University of Rijeka, Croatia (2011-2018)
Director, Computer Simulations and Numerical Experiments in Philosophy of Science (click on the link) (2017)